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What is the EACC?

The EACC is the UK’s leading club for cyclemotor, autocycle and moped enthusiasts.  The club is run for the mutual benefit of all its members, all our committee members and officers are unpaid volunteers and we do not seek to make a profit.

We also try to be as open and inclusive as we can: there are no exclusive ‘members-only’ areas on this website.  Our policies, minutes and accounts are available for all to see.  We welcome non-members at our events.  We are happy to give help and advice to non-members.

We hope that this makes us a club that people join because they want to be part of it, not one that people feel they have to join in order to obtain a particular service … so far, it seems to be working …

The Club Information Sheet on our Documents Page gives the contact details for club officers.  The same page also has all the information referred to above: accounts, meeting minutes, past newsletters, etc.

Latest News

2023 AGM

The 2023 AGM was at The Coddenham Centre at 10:00am on 12 November.  There are no significant changes this year; we’ll put the minutes on our documents page—but we have to give the secretary time to write them first.


There was no change to the fees at the AGM: Postal UK membership remains at £10 and e-mail membership remains at £4.  We have, however, made postal membership available within the UK only.  The fees for dating certificates and V765s were also unchanged at £15.


Our busy section in Lancashire has added a regular monthly meeting to its activites.  Read more…


There’s a possibility of starting a Scottish Section (though Scotland is a big place and it might be tricky for a single section to cover all of it).  Read more…


Club membership is open to all.  There are no geographical restrictions on who can join.  We have members all over the UK, and several overseas members too.  The UK membership fee is only £10.00.  You can find out more about joining the EACC here.

We also offer the option of joining on-line using PayPal.


We have a full programme of runs and meetings throughout the year.  See the Events page for more details.


Our newsletter is called ‘The MAC’ and it’s sent out to all members six times a year: at the beginning of February, April, June, August, October and December.  (If you’re wondering where the name MAC comes from - have a look in our glossary.)  Our editor Andrew Sparks () welcomes articles, news items, letters, and adverts for the newsletter.

If you’re not a member and are wondering what it’s like, back numbers can be downloaded from our documents page.

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The EACC is a member of the Federation of British Historic Vehicle Clubs (FBHVC).  The FBHVC monitors both domestic and European legislation, on the look-out for anything that could have an adverse effect on using our vehicles.

V765 approved

The EACC is approved by DVLA for the validation of V765 forms.  These are the forms you use in the UK to re-register an old vehicle while retaining its original registration mark.  The EACC can also issue dating certificates for registering machines with an ‘age-related’ registration mark.  For more information about what this all means—have a look at our Registrations page.


Peter James Insurance offers discounted rates on insurance for EACC members.  You can get a quotation at www.peterjamesinsurance.co.uk or phone 0121 506 6040.  RH Specialist Insurance runs an FBHVC-Approved Insurance Scheme for Vintage, Classic & Historical Vehicles.  Phone 01277 206911 for information and a quotation.  Most other specialist classic insurers will give a discount to club members because we are an FBHVC-affiliated club.

These discounts usually apply when insuring vehicles that are over 25 years old and not necessarily to vehicles that are newer than that.

Lohmann Licence

As all Lohmann owners know, these compression-ignition cyclemotors won’t run properly on petrol.  The solution is to make a fuel mix that includes paraffin.  The only problem with that is that it’s illegal to put paraffin in the fuel of a road-going vehicle.  We’ve solved that problem.  We have obtained a ‘General Licence to mix Hydrocarbon Fuels’, which makes it legal for Lohmann riders to use this fuel mix on the UK’s roads—as long as they are members of our club.

Clothing, Badges, etc

There’s more information about club clothing and badges on our Regalia page

If you’d like any of these, please contact Martin Gates at .  These items are also on sale at our events.


Although the club was revived in 2007, we can trace our roots back to 1981.  We have adopted the original EACC logo that Andrew Roddham designed 28 years ago.  To continue the ‘retro’ look, our membership application form is also based on an EACC membership renewal form from the 1980s.

There is more about the early days of the EACC in The Moped Archive.